SAT. SEPT. 26, 2015 – 3.00 PM

Directed by Thomas Heinemann – 90 minutes

CAST: Antoine Monot Jr., Christiane Paul, Berivan Kaya, Tabea Hanstein

Nine-year-old Lola lives on a charming old houseboat with her mother. But life isn’t exactly going swimmingly for her. She misses her long-gone dad, and doesn’t much care for her mom’s new boyfriend. She also has to contend with schoolmates who tease her and chase her home from school. But one day, she makes a friend—a quiet new boy in town, named Rebin. Rebin’s family is secluded and mysterious, and Lola soon finds out that they are migrants who don’t have the proper documents to live and work in Germany. Together, the two friends learn to fight for what is right, stand up to bullies, and face the future with courage and hope.
